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color (color) the visual experience of reflected light waves
3 physical properties of color:
hue color name
value relative lightness or darkness of a color
intensity saturation or brilliance of the color
The major color systems:
analogous colors colors that share one common hue
monochromatic colors lights and darks of one color
complementary colors use of colors that are direct opposites on the color wheel
split-compliments a color and colors on either side of its compliment on the wheel
color triad colors that have equidistant spacing on the wheel in a triangle
warm colors red through yellow, analogous colors on the wheel
cool colors blue through green, analogous colors on the wheel
earth colors browns and greens
color wheel a system of organizing color around a circle
pigments ground, materials used to make paint
high-key colors middle gray or lighter in value
low-key colors middle gray or darker in value
neutralized color color grayed by adding its complimentary color
neutrals not giving the sensation of color, but white, grays, blacks, browns
color tonality an organization of color schemes
subjective color invented color, not related to the subject matter
objective (local) color color based on an object, on observation
simultaneous contrast differences are increased as similarities are cancelled