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Form and Balance: Using a single unit in a square shape, create three distinct patterns.


1. Stacking (vertical) and lining up (horizontal) squares on the picture plane (see image) create a grid pattern.

2. Picking two of the three types of symmetery in form (see form ) create two more types of patterns.

3. Bring in finished pieces on Monday Sept 13.

PROBLEM: Transforming a typographical character into a shape or pattern that emulates two of the three kinds of balance.

MATERIALS: stencil, tracing paper, photo copier or computer, black paper, white cardboard

PRESENTATION: Two finished pieces minimum 11” smallest dimension, either mounted on white cardboard OR use white paper glued to hard surface.




  1. How can I use an everyday shape to create interesting patterns, forms and compositions?
  2. How can I use my materials efficiently?
  3. How can define at least three (3) kinds of symmetry (Approximate symmetry, Radial symmetry OR Asymmetrical balance )Using a new shape derived from an everyday shape?


  1. Choose a typographical character (letter, numeral or punctuation)
  2. Section off a square “module” from one area of that character. Choose a section that has interesting negative and positive spacial characteristics. Use tracing paper to trace your image, and find an area that works well for you. Use a copy machine or computer to enlarge your section if needed.
  3. Draw a grid (even squared lines like graph paper) in your sketchbook. Try 2” x 2” and experiment.
  4. Try drawing or glueing traced images into pages
  5. Create a simple pattern by stacking or lining up these squares. What kind of NEW negative/positive space is created? This piece can also be in your sketchbook.


  1. Create your final squares: Cut out your shapes from black paper, this is your “module”.
  2. Choose two (2) of the three types of symmetry to represent.
  3. Create a grid (even squares like a large graph paper) on your final surface and glue the black shapes into the grid, experimenting with different ways of laying down the individual modules to create a pattern or composition that represents symmetry.
  4. Clean up mistakes, create a clean, presentation-worthy piece. Final outcome should be two finished pieces.


  1. Plan your time wisely.
  2. Keep your thumbnails, and “mistakes” handy in your sketchbook. I will be grading on process as well as outcome.
  3. Be ready to hang up your work on Monday September 13

MATERIALS: Using stencil, tracing paper, photo copier or computer, create your pattern. Use cut paper (black and white), and glue to adhere paper. If needed, use pencil and ruler to create grid.

BE PREPARED FOR MONDAY September 13: Bring in black and white images, newspapers, magazines, old photographs, scraps of drawings. Bring in at least three different sources. Bring in board: cardstock, corregated cardboard, or museum board. Be prepared for upcoming assignment.

