horse with choc chip cookie logo

Zips Chocolate Chip

Zips Chocolate Chip with young rider

We breed show horses!

Who was Zips Chocolate Chip?

Zips Chocolate Chip was a champion show horse who lived from 1985-2015 in Texas. He was also a legendary sire, with more than 1,500 foals registered. The Myers family is still deeply proud of him to this day.

What's The Recipe?

The Myers family has been raising award-winning horses since 1983.

Myers family with Zips Chocolate Chip

Look for "Mini Chip", Ann's mascot, at a horse show near you!

Zips Chocolate Chip, a big shiny brown horse

2003 Jack Benson Award Winner for NSBA, Ann Myers, owner of Zips Chocolate Chip

Ann Meyers riding Zips Chocolate Chip